
Froneri Website Terms of Use

Thank you for visiting this website. Please read the Terms and Conditions contained in this document carefully since any use of this website constitutes your acceptance of the Terms and Conditions set out herein. 

Throughout this site, the terms "we", "us", "our" "Froneri" and "Froneri Group" refer to Froneri Suisse S.A. and any of the affiliated companies of the Froneri Group as appropriate to the context.  “You” refers to any person accessing and/or using this website.


Website Privacy Notice

Any personal information or material sent to this website are subject to the terms and conditions set out in the Privay Notice located on this website.


Accuracy, completeness and timeliness of information

Whilst we use all reasonable attempts to ensure the accuracy and completeness of information on this website, we are not responsible if the information that we make available on this website is not accurate or complete. Any reliance upon the material on this website shall be at your own risk. You agree that it is your responsibility to monitor any changes to the material and the information contained on this website.



Any non-personal communication or material you transmit to this website by electronic mail or otherwise, including any data, questions, comments, suggestions or the like is, and will be treated as, non-confidential and non-proprietary. Anything you transmit or post becomes the property of the Froneri Group and may be used for any purpose, including but not limited to, reproduction, disclosure, transmission, publication, broadcast and posting. Furthermore, the Froneri Group is free to use for any purposes whatsoever (including but not limited to the developing, manufacturing, advertising and marketing of products) any ideas, artwork, inventions, developments, suggestions or concepts contained in any communication you send to this website. Any such use is without compensation to the party submitting information. By submitting information, you are also warranting that you own the material/content submitted, that it is not defamatory and that the Froneri Group's use will not violate any third party's rights or otherwise place us in breach of any applicable laws. The Froneri Group is under no obligation to use the information submitted.


Intellectual property rights

© Reg. Trademark of Société des Produits Nestlé S.A. . All rights reserved.

All copyright, trademarks and other intellectual property rights in all text, images and other materials on this website are the property of the Froneri Group or are included with the permission of the relevant owner. 

You are permitted to browse this website, reproduce extracts by way of printing, downloading to a hard disk or for the purposes of distribution to other individuals. This is only to be done on the proviso that you keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notices and that the trademark notice © Froneri Switzerland S.A., Goldach appears on such reproductions. No reproduction of any part of this website may be sold or distributed for commercial gain nor shall it be modified or incorporated in any other work, publication or website.

The trademarks, logos, characters and service marks (collectively "Trademarks") displayed on this website belong to Société des Produits Nestlé S.A. part of the Nestlé Group which had accorded to Froneri a licence for their use. Any brands reproduction must be followed by the following mention: ® Reg. Trademark of Société des Produits Nestlé S.A., Vevey. Nothing contained on this website should be construed as granting any license or right to use any Trademark displayed on this website. Your use/misuse of the Trademarks displayed on this website, or on any other content on this website, except as provided for in these Terms and Conditions, is strictly prohibited. You are also advised that the Froneri Group and the Nestlé Group will vigourously enforce their intellectual property rights to the fullest extent of the law.


Links to other websites

Links on the Froneri Group websites may take you outside the Froneri Group network and systems and the Froneri Group accepts no responsibility for the content, accuracy or function of these other third party websites. The links are provided in good faith and the Froneri Group cannot be held responsible for any subsequent change in other third party websites to which we provide a link.   The inclusion of any link to other websites does not imply endorsement by the Froneri Group. We highly recommend that you make yourself aware of and carefully read the legal and privacy notices of all other websites that you visit.


Warranties and Disclaimers 

Your use of this website is at your own and exclusive risk.



This website is provided to you on an "As Is" and "As Available" basis and, consequently, the Froneri Group gives no warranties of any kind, whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise (including the implied warranties of merchantability or satisfactory quality and fitness for a particular purpose) including warranties or representations that material on this website will be complete, accurate, reliable, timely, non-infringing to third parties, that access to this website will be un-interrupted or error-free or free from viruses, that this website will be secure, that any advice or opinion obtained from the Froneri Group through this website is accurate or to be relied upon and any representations or warranties thereto are accordingly expressly disclaimed.

We reserve the right to restrict, suspend or terminate without notice your access to this website or any feature of this website or any feature or part thereof at any time. 



The Froneri Group and/or any other party involved in the creating, producing or delivering this site on our behalf shall have no liability or any responsibility whatsoever for any direct and indirect damages, costs, losses or liabilities whatsoever and howsoever arising out of your access to, use, inability to use, change in content of this website or arising from any other website you access through a link from this website or to the extent permitted by applicable law, from any actions we take or fail to take as a result of any electronic mail messages you send us.

The Froneri Group and/or any other party involved in the creating, producing or delivering this website shall have no responsibility to maintain the material and services made available on this website or to supply any corrections, updates, or releases in connection therewith. Any material on this website is subject to change without notice.

Further, the Froneri Group shall have no liability or any responsibility whatsoever for any loss suffered caused by viruses that may infect your computer equipment or other property by reason of your use of, access to or downloading of any material from this website. If you choose to download material from this website you do so at your own risk.

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, you expressly waive all claims against Froneri Group, its officers, directors, employees, suppliers and programmers that may arise from your use or access of this website.


Prohibited Activity

You are prohibited from doing any act that the Froneri Group in its absolute discretion may deem to be inappropriate and/or would be deemed to be an unlawful act or is prohibited by any laws applicable to this website including but not limited to:

  • Any act that would constitute a breach of either the privacy (including uploading private information without the concerned individual's consent) or any other of the legal rights of individuals;
  • Using this website to defame or libel the Froneri Group, its employees or other individuals or acting in such a way that brings into disrepute the good name of the Froneri Group;
  • Uploading files that contain viruses that may cause damage to the property of the Froneri Group or the property of other individuals; and
  • Posting or transmitting to this website any non-authorised material including but not limited to material that is in our opinion likely to cause annoyance, detrimental to or in violation of Froneri Group or third party´s systems or network security, defamatory, racist, obscene, threatening, pornographic or otherwise unlawful.


Jurisdiction and governing law

The Froneri Group products, materials, offers and information appearing on this website are intended for Swiss users and/or customers only. The Froneri Group makes no representation that the products and the content of this website are appropriate or available in locations other than Switzerland. Please contact our local distributor to obtain more information about the products availability in your country. The products appearing in this website are only visual representations and as such are not in their real size, packaging colour etc..

You and the Froneri Group agree that any controversy or claim arising from or pertaining to the use of this website shall be governed by Swiss law and be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Goldach, Switzerland.


Legal notice update

We reserve the right to make any changes and corrections to this notice. Please refer to this page from time to time to review these and new additional information.

goldach, october 2016.

Copyright © 2012 Société des Produits Froneri S.A.


Privacy Notice

Key Questions and Answers

Thank you for visiting this website. We hope you enjoy learning more about Froneri Switzerland S.A and our products.

Froneri respects your right to privacy in the on-line world when you use our websites and communicate electronically with us. We put in place all necessary measures to keep secure any personal information you give us.

It is fundamentally important that you are informed that Froneri Switzerland S.A. is the Data Controller (please see Question 18 of this Notice) of your personal information. The principles set out in this Privacy Notice apply to all Data Controllers in the Froneri Group.


We asked ourselves a number of key questions that we believe you would like answered about the personal information that you submit to Froneri. These answers will inform you of your rights relating to your personal information and the measures that Froneri takes to maintain the privacy and security of this personal information. We trust you find this information helpful.

If you have any requests concerning your personal information or any queries with regard to these practices please contact Froneri Switzerland S.A. at the address given in Question 5below.

We designed this Privacy Notice so that you don't have to read all of it to find an answer to a specific question. If you want to read all of it – please feel free to do so. It's set out in full below.

Please click on any of the questions below and you will be directed to the relevant answer in the main text.

1. What personal information does Froneri collect through this website and how does Froneri collect it?

2. How does Froneri keep your personal information secure?

3. What purposes does Froneri use your personal information for?

4. Who does the Froneri Group disclose your personal information to and why?

5. How can you see, check, change or delete the Personal Information you send to us?

6. Which countries will your personal information be sent to and why?

7. COOKIES ("Tracking Technology") – How and why does Froneri use them?

8. E Marketing - What is SPAMMING and what is Froneri's position on SPAM e-mails?

9. How long does Froneri keep your personal information?

10. What is Froneri's policy on collecting data from children using our websites?

11. Does Froneri link to other Third Party websites and what happens to my personal information when this linking happens?

12. What happens to my personal information when I e-mail a Froneri website to someone else?

13. What happens to my personal information if I participate in an on-line survey from Froneri through this website?

14. What is One-Time Registration?

15. Can Froneri change the terms of this Privacy Notice?

16. Where can I find more information on the legal issues concerning Froneri websites and my legal rights and responsibilities?

17. Which address is available for me to contact Froneri if I have other questions regarding my personal information

18. Which terms have specific legal meanings in this Froneri Privacy Notice (they are highlighted for your ease of use with Capital Letters excepting personal information simply because it is mentioned so often!)?

19. IMPORTANT – Why do I have to accept the terms of this Privacy Notice?


1. What personal information does Froneri collect through this website and how does Froneri collect it?

We only collect personal information that YOU want to provide to us or that is needed to provide (and improve) our service to you. We collect direct personal information such as name, address and e-mail address as well as indirect information such as cookies, connection and system information.

You may want to give us your e-mail address, name, telephone number etc. so that we can provide you with information on our products; enter you into our competitions or surveys; or just keep you updated about exciting Froneri developments that you are interested in.

Alternatively, you may want to develop your career with Froneri and apply for job vacancies by posting your CV on our on-line recruitment sites.


2. How does Froneri keep your personal information secure?

Froneri takes all necessary measures to keep your personal information private and secure. Only authorized Froneri Group staff, third-party companies (i.e. service providers) staff or our business partners' authorised staff (who have contractually agreed to keep all information secure) have access to your personal information. All Froneri staff who have access to your personal information are required to adhere to the Froneri Group Privacy Policy and all third-party employees who have access to your personal information have signed non-disclosure agreements. In addition, contracts are in place with third-party companies that have access to your personal information, to make sure this information remains secure. To ensure your personal information is protected, Froneri maintains a secure IT environment and has the appropriate measures in place to prevent unauthorised access (i.e. hacking).

Please see Question 4 – Who does the Froneri Group disclose your personal information to and why?


3. What purposes does Froneri use your personal information for?

Your personal information will be used for the purposes for which you provided it to Froneri. It will also be used to administer, support and obtain feedback on the level of our services and to prevent breaches of security, the law or our contract terms.


4. Who does the Froneri Group disclose your personal information to and why?

Froneri will never share your personal information with any Third Party business organisation that intends to use it for direct marketing purposes unless you have given us specific permission to do this.

For Froneri's policy on: (i) direct marketing by e-mail; (ii) your right to ask Froneri at any time NOT to contact you by way of direct e-mail marketing; and (iii) also your right to delete your personal information from our systems – please see Questions 8 & 5 respectively.

Froneri may share your personal information with other companies within the Froneri Group of companies. Froneri may also share your personal information with Third Parties, but only in the strictly limited circumstances set out below:

  • We may supply your personal information to Third Parties (such as our internet service providers) who help us administer this website. Some of these business partners may be located outside Switzerland where you accessed this website. Our main service provider for website hosting is in the United States. Please see Question 6 – "Which countries will your personal information be sent to and why?" These Third Parties must at all times provide the same levels of security for your personal information as Froneri and, where required, are bound by a legal agreement to keep your personal information private, secure and to process it only on the specific instructions of Froneri.
  • We may also supply your personal information to government bodies and law enforcement agencies if: we are required to do so by the requirements of any applicable law; or if in our good faith judgment, such action is reasonably necessary to comply with legal process; to respond to any legal claims or actions; or to protect the rights of the Froneri Group or its customers and the public.
  • We may, in a few limited circumstances, supply your personal information to potential acquirers of any relevant Froneri business but provided that (i) we have contractually ensured that this information is kept private and secure; and (ii) that when supplying this personal information Froneri complies with the applicable local laws.


5. How can you see, check, change or delete the Personal Information you send to us?

You have the right in Switerland to ask us to provide you with all the information it stores on you. You may also have your personal information deleted, corrected or revised by sending an e-mail to [email protected] or a letter to Froneri Switzerland S.A., Consumer Service, P.O. Box 2222, 1800 Vevey.


6. Which countries will your personal information be sent to and why?

Froneri is a global company and your personal information may be transferred across international borders. It may be transferred to countries that have different levels of data protection laws to the country from where you submitted your personal information. Your personal information may also be transferred between different companies of the Froneri Group located in different countries. Froneri takes the appropriate measures to maintain security of the personal information both during transit and at the receiving location.

The server that makes this website available may be located outside Switzerland. Our main hosting provider for most Froneri websites is based in the United States. This provider is bound by a contract that ensures a high standard of privacy protection and requires (amongst other provisions) that it act only on Froneri instructions and implements all technical measures necessary on an ongoing basis to keep your personal information secure.


7. COOKIES ("Tracking Technology") – How and why does Froneri use them?

Froneri does make use of tracking technology ('Cookies') to gather such personal information as browser type and operating system, referring page, path through site, domain of ISP etc. for the purpose of understanding how visitors use this website. Cookies help us tailor this website to your personal needs.

Froneri keeps all the information collected from cookies in a non-personally identifiable format. This type of information obtained through cookies will not be disclosed outside the Froneri Group or designated Third Parties. It will not be used for unsolicited communications.

Cookies located on your computer do not contain your name but an IP address. After the user's session is cancelled the information contained in the cookies is no longer available to Froneri.

Please ensure that your computer setting reflects whether you are happy to accept cookies or not. You can set your browser to warn you before accepting cookies, or you can simply set it to refuse them, although you may not have access to all the features of this website if you do so. See your browser "help" button for how you can do this. You do not need to have cookies on to use or navigate through many parts of this and other Froneri websites. Remember that if you use different computers in different locations you will need to ensure that each browser is adjusted to suit your cookie preferences.

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”) and Webtrends, a web analytics service provided by Webtrends, Inc. (“Webtrends”). The information collected in relation to this service are processed under the following terms for which Google and Webtrends is solely responsible: Google Analytics and Webtrends use “cookies”, which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyse how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google and Webtrends on servers in the United States.

Google and Webtrends will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage. Google and Webtrends may also transfer this information to Third parties where required to do so by law, or where such Third parties process the information on Google or Webtrend's behalf. Google and Webtrends will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google or Webtrends. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. By using this website, you consent to the processing of data about you by Google and Webtrends in the manner and for the purposes set out above.


8. E Marketing - What is SPAMMING and what is Froneri's position on SPAM e-mails?

Spamming is where unsolicited e-mails are sent to you containing advertisements or marketing related materials without your consent.

Froneri does NOT send SPAM e-mails. Froneri itself uses an anti-SPAM tool to protect our employees from SPAMMING. Sending e-mails without consent is illegal in many countries. Froneri will not use your personal information (including your e-mail address) for direct marketing or follow-up communications unless you give us your EXPRESS permission. This is called "OPT-IN" consent.

Also, Froneri does not share your personal information with any Third Party (non-Froneri Group) companies who will use your personal information for SPAM mails.

Froneri websites give you the opportunity to receive marketing information by e-mail. Every e-mail sent by Froneri will give you the opportunity at any time to stop receiving marketing e-mails

If for some reason you believe you have received SPAM e-mail from a Froneri Group company please inform us immediately at [email protected].


9. How long does Froneri keep your personal information?

Froneri may store the personal information that you send to us via this website in its databases such as its Customer Relationship Marketing database. Your personal information will be kept by the Froneri Group only for as long as is reasonably necessary taking into consideration our need to answer queries or resolve problems, provide improved and new services and comply with legal requirements under applicable law(s). This means that we may retain your personal information for a reasonable period after you stop using Froneri services or stop using this website. After this period, your personal information will be deleted from all systems in the Froneri Group.

We remind you that you have a right to have your personal information deleted at any time. Please see Question 5 - How can you see, check, change or delete the Personal Information you send to us (above)?


10. What is Froneri's policy on collecting data from children using our websites?

It is highly important to protect the privacy of children on-line and encourage parents or guardians to spend time on-line with their children to participate in and monitor their e-activities.

We do not collect personal information from children under the age of 13, even with parental consent.

Note to parents of children under the age of 13

We recommend that parents/guardians regularly check and monitor their children's use of e-mail and other on-line activities. Please make sure that your child does not give us personally identifiable information on-line.


11. Does Froneri link to other Third Party websites and what happens to my personal information when this linking happens?

Froneri links to other websites to offer you an opportunity to review connected and interesting information related to Froneri. These Third Party websites are outside our control and are not covered by this Privacy Notice. If you access other websites using the links provided, the operators of these websites may collect your personal information. Please ensure that you are satisfied with the Privacy Policies of these Third Party websites before you submit any personal information. Froneri tries, as far as we can, to ensure that all Third Party linked websites have equivalent measures for protection of your personal information, but we cannot be held responsible legally or otherwise for the activities, privacy policies or levels of privacy compliance of these Third Parties.


12. What happens to my personal information when I e-mail a Froneri web page to someone else?

Some of our websites may provide you with the opportunity to e-mail a web page address to another person. For this feature to work, we may need to collect your e-mail address and/or the e-mail addresses of those you send the web page to. E-mail addresses collected in this way are not used for any purpose other than to fulfill your request. These e-mail addresses are not stored and are deleted immediately after your request is fulfilled.


13. What happens to my personal information if I participate in an on-line survey from Froneri through this website?

From time to time, we may ask our website visitors to answer survey questions. Surveys generally will relate to the content of the website, our products or categories of products. We may ask for age or age ranges, gender, and/or other non-personally identifiable information. For the purposes of these surveys, we may add information obtained from cookies to your survey answers but no personally identifiable information will be requested. The personal information collected is not tied to any personal information that you may already have given to us. Personal information gathered from polls and surveys are for Froneri internal use only but aggregated information (not capable of personally identifying anyone) may be shared with others.


14. What is One-Time Registration?

In order to make the registration process easier, we use a one-time registration tool across many Froneri websites. With this tool, when you register with our website, this information can be automatically made available to you for registration at other Froneri website(s). Your personal information remains protected and we always ask for your express consent or "Opt-In" to receive information from Froneri website(s) before you are added to any mailing list.


15. Can Froneri change the terms of this Privacy Notice?

Froneri will occasionally make changes and corrections to this Privacy Notice. Please check this Privacy Notice regularly to see the changes and how these may affect you.


16. Where can I find more information on the legal issues concerning Froneri websites and my legal rights and responsibilities?

As Froneri is a Swiss-based company the laws that govern and apply to this website are those of Switzerland. For more detailed information please consult the Froneri website legal terms and conditions available by clicking on this link [ ] or directly on this web page.


17. Which address is available for me to contact Froneri if I have other questions regarding my personal information?

The address is [email protected] or Froneri Switzerland S.A., Consumer Service, P.O. Box 2222, 1800 Vevey.


18. Which terms have specific legal meanings in this Froneri Privacy Notice (they are highlighted for your ease of use with Capital Letters excepting personal information simply because it is mentioned so often!)?

Personal Information can also be known as Personal Data and means any information relating to you as a natural person that is capable of directly or indirectly identifying you. (On websites this is typically at least your e-mail address).

Processing of Personal Information means any operation or set of operations which is performed upon your personal information whether or not by automatic means including collection, recording, organisation, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, blocking, erasure or destruction (i.e. effectively any activity that Froneri performs on or with the personal information that you send us).

"Data Controller" is the organisation alone or jointly that determines the purposes and means of the Processing of your personal information (i.e. the Froneri entity operating this website and collecting your personal information), which here is Froneri Switzerland S.A..

"Third Parties" for the purposes of this Privacy Notice means any company not under control of Froneri Limited through either direct or indirect ownership.

"Froneri" and "Froneri Group" in this Privacy Notice all refer to Froneri Limited and its subsidiary companies (in which Froneri Limited has control through either direct or indirect ownership) as appropriate to the context.


19. IMPORTANT – Why do I have to accept the terms of this Privacy Notice?

Froneri is a global company that uses the Internet to collect and process your personal information. This naturally involves the Processing and transmission of your personal information across borders.

This Privacy Notice provides you with all information necessary (in an easily accessible way) to make an informed choice as to whether to use this website and to send your personal information to Froneri or not.

Therefore, by browsing this website and communicating electronically with us, you acknowledge and agree to our Processing of your indirect personal information (cookies, connection and system information) in the manner set out in this Privacy Notice.

If you ask us to provide a certain service to you (i.e. a competition, newsletter or new product details etc.) we will need additional direct personal information (name, address and e-mail address) from you. In this case, we will ask you for your express consent to collect and use this personal information. This personal information will be used only for the purposes for which you gave it to us.

If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Notice please contact Froneri at [email protected] and we will be pleased to assist you with any additional questions you may have.


Goldach,  October 2016.

Copyright © Société des Produits Froneri S.A., 2019.